What You Need To Know About Rodents
Most of the non-flying mammals living worldwide are rodents. More than 1,500 different species of rodents roam the earth. Rodents and all mammals have fur, nurse their young, give birth to live young, and are warm-blooded.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rodents
What are rodents?
Rodents are mammals that are highly adaptive and can live successfully in both indoor and outdoor environments across the world. They are prolific breeders and are known for taking advantage of food, water, and shelter sources that people provide. All rodents share a common feature – a pair of front incisors that continuously grow throughout their entire life. To prevent their teeth from overgrowing, rodents are constantly gnawing on any object they can get their teeth on.
The two most common species of rodents that cause problems for home and business owners are mice and rats. Adult rats are about three to five times as large as adult mice. The ears and tails of mice are usually covered in a light layer of velvety fur, while the ears and tail of rats are typically void of hair. Rats tend to be a bit less skittish than mice, but both are nocturnal and try to stay out of view of people as much as possible.
Are rodents dangerous?
Rodents are dangerous pests and pose threats to both people and property. Rodents have the potential to transmit a wide variety of diseases and bacteria to people. They are responsible for spreading Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM), salmonellosis, dysentery, rat bite fever, Hantavirus, and leptospirosis. Mice and rats contaminate food and the surfaces of any home they are invading with trails of urine, excrement, and saliva. Another problem that rodents cause is structural damage. Their chewing habits can cause damage to pipes, wires, insulation, flooring, and drywall. They are also, unfortunately, known for causing fires and water damage inside homes. Additionally, rodents destroy personal items like books, clothing, shoes, pictures, and furniture.
Why do I have a rodent problem?
Mice and rats are a year-round problem, but they can become a particular problem in the late fall when they are searching out a place indoors to overwinter that is close to food and water sources. Rodents live on properties that offer easy access to food, water, and shelter. Therefore, properties with garden areas, compost piles, pet food, open garbage cans, outdoor eating areas, bird feeders, clogged gutters, wood piles, dense vegetation, and piles of debris are all highly attractive to rodents.
Where will I find rodents?
Rodents are found nesting in a variety of indoor and outdoor environments. Rats, depending on their exact species, like to nest outside in trees, woodpiles, under decks and foundations, along the sides of rivers, and in areas of debris. Mice typically nest outside in tree stumps, woodpiles, dense vegetation, fields, or in abandoned bird (or other small animals) nests. Inside, both rats and mice like to nest in quiet, out-of-the-way places, such as behind walls, in attics or basements, inside crawlspaces, behind appliances, in closets, or underneath sinks.
How do I get rid of rodents?
The best way to solve your Dallas property’s rodent problem is to partner with a local pest control company. When you partner with Cantu Pest & Termite, our knowledgeable and friendly professionals will provide the comprehensive services needed to eliminate rodents and prevent their return. With over 40 years in the pest control industry, we are proud to provide all of our customers with dependable and trustworthy home pest control and commercial pest solutions. To learn more about eliminating rodents and other household pests from your Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, or surrounding area home, reach out to Cantu!
How can I prevent rodents in the future?
In addition to our professional rodent control services in Texas, the following tips can help to prevent problems with rodents on your property:
- Remove wood piles, piles of leaves, and garbage or debris from your property that rodents could hide inside.
- Limit food sources by making sure outdoor trash cans and compost bins have tight-fitting lids on them.
- Place garden areas a distance from your home and clean up fallen fruits and vegetables.
- Maintain outdoor eating areas and pick up uneaten pet food.
- Remove bird feeders from your property.
- Eliminate as many entry points as possible by sealing cracks in your home’s foundation and exterior walls, and spaces around utility entrances.
- Remove water sources by maintaining gutters, repairing leaky fixtures, and storing containers that can collect water upside down when not in use.
- Repair any loose or missing roof shingles, make sure chimneys have tight-fitting caps on them, and repair holes along the roofline and at roof intersections.